Exploring, Connecting, Building
Hey, I'm Mark! When I'm not traveling and 📷 taking pictures, I'm building software that solves problems. Feel free to 👋 send me a DM with what you're working on!
Currently, I'm betting on Next.JS, TailwindCSS, and Vercel to be web dev's backbone. When not working on web apps, I use Python and Arduino C++ to learn about the world and make smarter decisions. I'm also a Spartan DEKA athlete and write a blog called
Thought Science.

Digital Garden

I'm a Technical Solutions Engineer at Permutive, a cutting-edge ad-tech startup protecting user privacy while still empowering publishers data strategy.
Thought Science

My blog where I write about what interests me most: technology, society, and adventure travel (and some kind of intersection of all 3).
DEKA Athlete

A new fitness competition from Spartan with 10 zones. In 2024, my teammate and I competed at World Championships and podiumed 3rd.

Capturing unique experiences is one of my favorite pursuits. Come check out some of the scenes I've captured on camera.

Compiled from my personal notebooks, The Database of Important Questions is an ever-growing index of impactful questions. I hope it helps you in your endeavors!
CS Investigations

Innovative code facinates me. As I bump up against new concepts, I try to replicate the principles behind them in various languages and publish them to a repo.

My first startup harnessed A.I. to give college students instant access to personalized and trusted mentorship for important life questions.
Crypto Manager

What happens when you make your own bot-managed crypto ETF in Python?